Tuesday, December 5, 2006

HOWTO: Nautilus script to mount/unmount .iso files

HOWTO: Nautilus script to mount/unmount .iso files

I recently found a Nautilus shell script on an older post to the forum that could mount .iso files, but it couldn't handle spaces in filenames or mount more than one file at once. After some struggle I've come up with these scripts which handle multiple concurrent mounts and filenames with spaces. You'll want to save these under ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/ and make them executable:


file.png File:~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/iso-mount.bash

for I in "$*"
foo=`gksudo -u root -k -m "enter your password for root terminal
access" /bin/echo "got r00t?"`
sudo mkdir /media/"$I"
sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 "$I" /media/"$I" && nautilus /media/"$I" --no-desktop


file.png File:~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/iso-umount.bash

for I in "$*"
foo=`gksudo -u root -k -m "enter your password for root terminal
access" /bin/echo "got r00t?"`
sudo umount "$I" && zenity --info --text "Successfully unmounted /media/$I/" && sudo rmdir "/media/$I/"

To use either one just right-click on the .iso file and use scripts -> mount.


  • NOTE: The ISO file has to be in your home directory for this script to work.

HOWTO: Nautilus script to mount/unmount .iso, .nrg and .bin/.cue files

Below you will find Nautilus scripts that allow you to mount cdrom images in .iso, .nrg or .bin format.

You can mount multiple .iso or .nrg files, and up to 8 .bin files.

A shortcut is placed on your desktop for each mounted image for easy access.

Be sure to complete step 7, otherwise your new Nautilus scripts will not be available for use.

Most of the work was already done by the author of the Mount-ISO service menu for KDE.

1. Add the universe repository: http://easylinux.info/wiki/Ubuntu#How_to_add_extra_repositories

2. In order to mount .bin files, you need to install cdemu.

cdemu requires that you have the correct linux-headers package installed, so open a terminal, and choose the option that corresponds to your system.

Intel Pentium:


sudo apt-get install linux-686 linux-image-686 linux-headers-686 linux-restricted-formats-686

AMD K Series (Duron, Athlon, Sempron):


sudo apt-get install linux-k7 linux-image-k7 linux-headers-k7 linux-restricted-formats-k7

Older legacy PC (Intel Pentium Pro or 486):


sudo apt-get install linux-386 linux-image-386 linux-headers-386 linux-restricted-formats-386

Reboot to take advantage of the linux-headers, you've just installed.

3. Install cdemu.

Paste the following code into a text file and save the file to your desktop:

file.png File:~/Desktop/install-cdemu.sh

# cdemu installer

apt-get install build-essential checkinstall automake1.6 libtool gcc-3.4

cd ~/Desktop
wget http://robert.private.outertech.com/virtualcd/cdemu-0.7.tar.bz2
tar xjf ~/Desktop/cdemu-0.7.tar.bz2
cd ~/Desktop/cdemu-0.7
ls -la /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build
make install

cd ~/Desktop
sudo rm -r cdemu-0.7

modprobe cdemu

Open a terminal:


cd ~/Desktop
sudo chmod +x install-cdemu.sh
sudo sh install-cdemu.sh

Wait for the installation to finish, then enable the cdemu module:


sudo gedit /etc/modules

Add this line to the end of the /etc/modules file:



Save the file.

4. Mount-CDImage Nautilus script.

Paste the following code into a text editor and save the file under your nautilus-scripts directory:

file.png File:~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/mount-cdimage


# Get filename extension and make it lower-case
EXT=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/.*\.//'`
EXT_LOW=`echo $EXT | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'`

# Get the filename without the extension
BASE="`echo "$1" | sed 's/\.[^.]*$//'`"

# Mount ISO
if [ $EXT_LOW == "iso" ]; then
foo=`gksudo -u root -k -m "enter your password for root terminal access" /bin/echo "got r00t?"`
sudo mkdir /media/"$BASE" &&
sudo mount -o loop,ro,nodev,noexec,nosuid "$1" /media/"$BASE" &&
## Uncomment the next line, if you prefer to have an extra link to the ISO image placed on the desktop.
#ln -s "/media/${BASE}" "/home/$USER/Desktop/${BASE}" &&
gnome-open "/media/${BASE}"

# Mount NRG
if [ $EXT_LOW == "nrg" ]; then
foo=`gksudo -u root -k -m "enter your password for root terminal access" /bin/echo "got r00t?"`
sudo mkdir /media/"$BASE" &&
sudo mount -o loop,ro,nodev,noexec,nosuid,307200 "$1" /media/"$BASE" &&
## Uncomment the next line, if you prefer to have an extra link to the NRG image placed on the desktop.
#ln -s "/media/${BASE}" "/home/$USER/Desktop/${BASE}" &&
gnome-open "/media/${BASE}"

# Mount BIN/CUE
if [ $EXT_LOW == "cue" ]; then

# Find a free node to mount
NODE=$((`cdemu -s | cut -f 8 -d " " | grep 0 -n -m 1 | cut -c 1`-2))

if [ $NODE -lt "0" ]; then
zenity --info --text "You can not mount any more BIN/CUE files."

# Node needs to be between 0 and 7
if [ $NODE -ge "0" -a $NODE -le 7 ]; then
foo=`gksudo -u root -k -m "enter your password for root terminal access" /bin/echo "got r00t?"`
sudo mkdir -p "/media/${BASE}" &&
cdemu $NODE "$1" &&
sudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdemu/${NODE} "/media/${BASE}" &&
ln -s "/media/${BASE}" "/home/$USER/Desktop/${BASE}" &&
gnome-open "/media/${BASE}"

# If directory is empty, then release cdemu
if [ "$(ls -A /media/${BASE})" ]; then
cdemu -u $NODE


# If directory is empty, then remove empty directory
if [ "$(ls -A /media/${BASE})" ]; then
sudo rmdir /media/"${BASE}"

5. UnMount-CDImage Nautilus script.

Paste the following code into a text editor and save the file under your nautilus-scripts directory:

file.png File:~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/unmount-cdimage



# Get filename extension and make it lower-case
# EXT_LOW will be iso, nrg, cue or nonsense
EXT=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/.*\.//'`
EXT_LOW=`echo $EXT | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'`

# Isolate the the basename without the extension (in case this is not the case already)
if [ $EXT_LOW == "iso" -o $EXT_LOW == "nrg" -o $EXT_LOW == "cue" -o $EXT_LOW == "volume" ]; then
BASE="`echo "$1" | sed 's/\.[^.]*$//'`"

# Release /dev/cdemu according to whether BIN uses /dev/cdemu0 or /dev/cdemu/0
foo=`gksudo -u root -k -m "enter your password for root terminal access" /bin/echo "got r00t?"`
DEV="`mount | grep "$BASE" | cut -f1 -d " "`"

if [ ${DEV##/dev/cdemu/} -ge 0 -a ${DEV##/dev/cdemu/} -le 7 ]; then
cdemu -u ${DEV##/dev/cdemu/}

if [ ${DEV##/dev/cdemu} -ge 0 -a ${DEV##/dev/cdemu} -le 7 ]; then
cdemu -u ${DEV##/dev/cdemu}

# Unmount
foo=`gksudo -u root -k -m "enter your password for root terminal access" /bin/echo "got r00t?"`
sudo umount /media/"${BASE}"
sudo rmdir /media/"${BASE}"
sudo rm /home/$USER/Desktop/"${BASE}"

6. Create-CUESheet Nautilus script.

This Nautilus script creates a .cue file from a .bin file, if the .cue is missing. A .cue file is required to mount a .bin file. This only works for basic .bin files. If your .bin file happens to be a multi-track CD image, you will need specialized software to create a more advanced .cue file.

Paste the following code into a text editor, and save the file under your nautilus-scripts directory:

file.png File:~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/create-cuesheet

# Create CUE for BIN

# Isolate the filename without the extension.
BASE=`echo "$1" | sed 's/\.[^.]*$//'`

cat <<> "${BASE}.cue"
TRACK 01 MODE1/2352
INDEX 01 00:00:00

7. Open a terminal:


sudo chmod 700 ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts/*

taken from http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Mount_ISO_script

Monday, December 4, 2006

Laptop Kernel as of 12/4


Sunday, December 3, 2006

well now i running ubuntu on a pretty quick laptop. some of the keys are dead on the keyboard so i re-mapped them to the top number keys using xkeycaps. other than that everything went smoothly!

Monday, November 27, 2006

ive installed debian on my desktop but i dont know enough to configure the gui so its just command line. i really dont have the time right now either to mess with it as i am just too busy with school. i think im going to confine my linux experiments to an old laptop i have... and i found this website to help : http://www.hillsystems.com/linux-xl125.html

Saturday, November 18, 2006

fglrx problems

ok, so i used a guide i obtained earlier to configure my video card drivers and in the past this has worked fine. but now the OS refuses to load them. i even tried to manually edit the xorg.conf file but its already listing the correct diver to load. ive posted on some forumes, we'll see what happens.
Post HOWTO: Install LinuxDC++

First off, for those that don't know, LinuxDC++ is a Linux port of the file-sharing program DC++. It uses the DC++ core but with a GTK+ GUI. It has also been called by many other names including: linuxdcpp, ldcpp, dcpp, ldc++, dc++ for linux, wulfor. I'm a developer on LinuxDC++ and thought I'd write up a guide to install LinuxDC++ on Dapper and Edgy. There are a few older guides for Hoary and Breezy, but I've never really liked them since they install unnecessary packages, so I thought I'd write a fresh one for Dapper and Edgy.

First, download the required dependencies:


To do this in one command:
sudo apt-get install cvs scons build-essential libgtk2.0-dev libglade2-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev
Note: I didn't have this problem, but some people also needed libglitz1-dev in order for pkg-config to detect GTK+ on Dapper. If scons fails when checking for GTK+, run this command:
sudo apt-get install libglitz1-dev
There are no official releases of the program since it's still in alpha. This means that there exists no official binaries for any distribution. However, to install LinuxDC++ you can download it through CVS. Run these commands in your home directory or somewhere else where you have write access:

cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.linuxdcpp.berlios.de:/cvsroot/linuxdcpp login
[hit enter when prompted for the password]

cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.linuxdcpp.berlios.de:/cvsroot/linuxdcpp co linuxdcpp
Now to install (you can set PREFIX to whatever, but I'd recommend /usr/local):
cd linuxdcpp
scons release=1 PREFIX=/usr/local
sudo scons install
To run:
Note: Turn off Assistive Technology Support before running LinuxDC++ (System->Preferences->AST). For some reason, it makes ldcpp run very slowly and display a bunch of errors.

When we update the source, you can update your linuxdcpp source and re-run the scons & scons install commands from above to install it again. To update the source:
cd /path/to/source/dir
cvs update -d
To uninstall LinuxDC++:
cd /path/to/source/dir
sudo scons -c install
Then you can delete your source directory if you like.

taken from http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=193984

How to install the fglrx driver

Install the xorg-driver-fglrx package from the Restricted repository (see Chapter 2, Adding, Removing and Updating Applications).
You now need to configure the computer to use the new driver so run this command in a terminal:

sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

When the dialogue appears and asks whether to do automatic detection of your video, pick Yes.
When asked to select a driver, pick fglrx.
Follow the remaining instructions as appropriate.
Restart your machine for changes to take effect.


or try


Run fglrxinfo to see if the driver loaded

thanks to notbad on the overclockers.com forums!

Friday, November 17, 2006

oh and...

"You are registered as user #435548 with the Linux Counter"

this means im better than anyone else with a higher number than me.

current situation

i have just installed ubuntu for the 100th time. slackware was reccomended to me to get at the "guts" of linux, but i couldnt get it to install! i think it was a combination of a couple things, the first one being that my hard drive has been been repartitioned upwards of 8 times now in a row, kinda half assed each time. the installer couldnt write to my partition table to set up the boot loader to get in to the OS. So i had to make a boot disk, except when i got to that step i realised that my disk drive was unplugged for some reason so i couldnt make one... so i borrowed a disk from someone but i had a really hard time formatting it and getting a program on to it to write zeros to the drive. once i finally got everything on the disk i tried to boot from it but it just wouldnt. i need my computer for school and such so i cant really sit around until i get a btter disk, assuming its not my drive thats screwed up.

anyways, im currently setting up ubuntu, which i appreciate a lot more now. i really want to get in to a harder linux but not having a second computer makes it almost impossible. hopefully ill get my chance when i get my laptop back.